# Tests for [control::no-op]. # # This file contains a collection of tests for the command [control::no-op] # of the package control in tcllib, the Standard Tcl Library. Sourcing this # file into Tcl runs the tests and generates output for errors. No output # means no errors were found. # # RCS: @(#) $Id: no-op.test,v 1.1 2001/08/21 22:54:15 dgp Exp $ package forget control catch {namespace delete control} # Direct loading of provide script -- support testing even # when not installed. And be sure we test the local copy # and not some later version that may be installed. source [file join [file dirname [info script]] control.tcl] namespace import ::control::no-op package require tcltest # Use of -force because [namespace import] is braindead. namespace import -force ::tcltest::test ::tcltest::cleanupTests test no-op-0.0 {no-op return value} { no-op } {} test no-op-1.0 {no-op argument substitution} { set bcount 0 set b x trace variable b r {incr bcount ;#} set acount 0 proc a args {incr ::acount} list [no-op a $b {a} {a $b} [a] [a $b] {[a]}] $acount $bcount } {{} 2 2} cleanupTests return