Below is a list of the bugs that are fixed by patch 3 for Tk 4.0 (Tk 4.0p3): 9/22/95 (bug fix) Fixed bug where text widgets could occasionally display the insertion cursor both at the end of one line and the beginning of the next. (JO) 9/25/95 (bug fix) Text widgets sometimes scrolled backwards on occasion if you dragged down past the bottom of the scrollbar. (JO) 9/25/95 (bug fix) Fixed bug in menus where a cascaded submenu posted from a torn-off menu could be left posted if mouse was pulled off the end of the cascade and released. (JO) 9/25/95 (new feature) Added "--" switch to wish, so that you can pass arguments like -n through to a script without having wish interpret them. (JO) 9/25/95 (bug fix) Fixed core dump that could occur for radiobuttons and selectbuttons if -selectcolor was an empty string. (JO) 9/26/95 (bug fix) Entries didn't used to notice if a trace procedure on the -textvariable overrode a new value set by the entry. This could cause the variable to get out of sync with the contents of the entry. (JO) 9/26/95 (bug fix) Fixed round-off errors in listbox scrolling. Among other things, this could cause listbox view to shift slightly at unexpected times. (JO) 9/26/95 (bug fix) TkColor.c wasn't computing colormap size correctly; could result in X Protocol error for QueryColors when colormaps run out of colors. (JO) 9/27/95 (feature change) Modified tk_dialog so that it uses the option database for the -wraplength option on the message. This allows the option to be overridden by the caller. (JO) 10/1/95 (bug fix) Canvas rectangles weren't computing their bounding boxes correctly when coordinates were negative, resulting in improper redisplay (e.g. junk left behind) when dragging. (JO) 10/30/95 (bug fix) When focus-follows-mode (invoked via tk_focusFollowsMouse), was focussing on windows even in situations where keyboard traversal would skip the window. Changed to use the tkFocusOK procedure so that the criteria for focussing are the same in both modes. (JO) 11/2/95 (bug fix) Changed listbox bindings to ignore double-clicks. This avoids errors that used to occur if a user defined a binding for double-click that deleted the listbox. (JO) 11/7/95 (bug fix) If wish was invoked with a command-line geometry and a script file (e.g. "wish foo.tcl -geometry 30x20"), and if one of the windows created by the script used the -setgrid option, then the width and height from the command line were lost. (JO) 11/8/95 (bug fix) The "see" command didn't work quite right for texts: if the window was small and you try to "see" a line just offscreen, Tk centered the line (actually, mis-centered it) when it should have aligned it at the top or bottom. (JO) 11/9/95 (bug fix) The "send" command crashed if you tried to send to a different display with "-displayof". (JO) 11/9/95 (bug fix) The Symbol font didn't print right in Postscript output, because of changes made to re-encode fonts to get proper ISO Latin1 behavior. Changed the code not to re-encode the Symbol font. (JO) 11/17/95 (bug fix) If a window was gridded, Tk still computed the default maximum dimensions in pixel units, which resulted in windows that could grow much larger than the screen. (JO) 11/17/95 (bug fix) If a menus entries were all disabled, posting the menu and typing Up or Down caused an infinite loop, locking up the screen (JO). 11/19/95 (bug fix) The focus wasn't being restored properly after a menu selection in a cascaded menu. (JO) 11/19/95 (bug fix) Menubutton's didn't stipple display their images differently when disabled. Change to have the same behavior as buttons: the image is stippled over in the background color when the menubutton is disabled. (JO) 11/21/95 (bug fix) Changes in display attributes such as font could cause core dumps in the text widget under some circumstances involving line wrapping. (JO) 11/22/95 (bug fix/new feature) Changed both the placer and the packer to ensure that slaves are unmapped whenever the master is unmapped. This saves time that slaves might otherwise spend trying to redisplay themselves when they're unmapped. (JO) 11/22/95 (bug fix) Space and return keys didn't work for menus if they were posted via Alt-x keystrokes. (JO) 11/24/95 (bug fix) tk_dialog procedure had binding for that always activated default binding, even if input focus was in some other binding. Removed this feature, since existing focus support will already "do the right thing". (JO) 11/24/95 (bug fix) Both canvases and texts could dump core if a binding (such as ButtonRelease on an internal item) deleted the widget. (JO) 11/24/95 (bug fix) It was possible for a slave to be placed or packed -in itself, with unpleasant consequences. It is now an error for the slave to be its own master for geometry management. (JO) 11/25/95 (bug fix) The -command option of scales was sometimes being invoked spuriously (e.g. when the mouse moved in the scale without a button down). This was because the scale wasn't rounding properly when setting the scale value from its associated variable. (JO)