Tcl/Tk Core Localization

Although there are still some quirks in Tcl/Tk's internationalization support, it is sufficiently complete and robust that we can begin to talk about localization of the core. For 8.4, we will start with localizing the built-in Tk dialogs (tk_getOpenFile, tk_getSaveFile, tk_messageBox, etc.) via the msgcat facilities.

Project Overview

Localizing the built-in Tk dialogs basically requires two steps. First, the dialog implementations must be updated to use msgcat for all text strings, instead of hardcoding the text. For example (from tkfbox.tcl) replace:
set data(-title) "Open"
with something like:
set data(-title) [msgcat::mc Open]

Second, message catalogs must be developed for each language/locale we want to support. Message catalogs will be installed in installdir/tk8.4/msgs.

Project Contributors

Laurent Duperval <[email protected]> Patch dialog code; English and French message catalogs
Andreas Kupries <[email protected]> German message catalog
George Petasis <[email protected]> Greek message catalog
Juan Carlos Gil Montoro <[email protected]> Spanish message catalog
Jan Nijtmans <[email protected]> Dutch message catalog
Andres Garcia <[email protected]> Patch dialog code, Spanish translations
Keiichi Takahashi <[email protected]> Japanese translation
Bartek Ziolkowski <[email protected]> Polish translation
Alexander Nosenko <[email protected]> Russian translation
Klaus M. Hansen <[email protected]> Danish translation
